Friday 9 December 2011

Script (Design Methods)

Click the Bass


Black Screen


Camera lights flashing, Marco on stage receiving applause

White Screen – to – baby Marco playing piano, then toddler Marco then Present Marco.

Back to Mr Sinclair with “$” signs in his eyes.

          Mr Sinclair sits Marco down and promises that he will teach him to be the best, and that he has           been offered a place in the “Music Inc. Academy”.

Marco signs the contract with Mr Sinclair rubbing hands vigorously.

White Screen – to – toddler Mr Sinclair kicking a football alone in the park in summer, then teenage him kicking it in winter, then older him kicking it in autumn.

Fade to worn out, prison-esque academy.

SUPER: 2 Weeks Later

Marco is seen playing on a piano with missing keys looking exhausted.

Camera pans round to see a number of students playing broken instruments with the “teachers” wearing suits and talking on phones.

Marco then has a wave of anarchy flood his body and decides to break into Mr Sinclair’s office.

          Marco sneaks into office only to find posters of “Anti-Music” slogans.

          Mr Sinclair enters room fuming, shouts abuse at Marco only for the boy to reply in the calmest fashion possible “There is more to music than just profits, so I challenge you to a music battle. I will destroy whoever you send to beat me I promise you.”

Mr Sinclair transforms into a 3 headed demon, each head picturing the face of the 3 artists Marco will face in battle.

The 3 heads shout at the same time, forcing Marco to take a step back, still looking calm and calculated however.
Fade to Arena.

Marco walks up to the stage and notices a Guitar, a turntable and a Microphone in front of him.

          Over tannoy “Introducing the epic music battle of Marco Butsped vs. Mr Sinclair AKA the boss. The music genres Rock, Hip-Hop and dance music will be used in this battle. LAST...MAN......STANDING!”

The battle commences with the three headed Mr Sinclair grabbing the guitar and shouting over to Marco “WATCH THIS!”

He starts it off by ‘shredding’ the guitar, using the solo from Voodoo Child to try and over-power the young prodigy across the arena.

The battle goes back and forth, both using the different instruments to try and beat the other. Sparks fly and extraordinary colours emerge from the instruments with both competitors looking determined.

Mr Sinclair uses his wealth of musical knowledge to use all 3 instruments to defeat young Marco, with the crowd getting louder, sensing the end of the battle.

Close up to Mr Sinclair’s intense gaze.

Close up to Marco’s defeated look.

Close up to Mr Sinclair’s face lighting up at the prospect of victory.

Fade to Marco’s flashback of playing when he was younger.

Fade back to Marco with the arena lighting up as he gets faster on the guitar and then EXPLOSION emerging from Marco’s chest, musical power overcomes Marco and he silences the 3 headed demon, finishing him off with a final shout on the microphone “YEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH”.

Crowd silenced, Marco walks over to the Music Inc. board and quietly asks if “it’s all over”. They reply by asking him to be the new boss, he accepts the offer and becomes the youngest manager ever.

Crowd cheers, camera pans to crowd and then Marco who is sitting there with a smile.


Will be improved again before end of term, this is only a draft.