Monday 24 October 2011

Week 1 - In the beginning there is the designer

What does Schelle offer to the would be games designer?

There are a few key points in the chapter that outline the skills necessary to be a successful games designer:

- Confidence
- "I am a games designer"
- You don't have to be experienced to design games, start designing and believing that you are a games designer.
- Confidence is a must have - "I'm serious, say them out loud, right now. Don't be shy"

- Failures are a part of the Games Design industry like every other, it is better to take failure as a learning curve rather than for the mistake it actually is.
- Failing over and over again should be seen as a good thing, as it brings you a step closer to having a "truly phenomenal game"

- No one can master every skill in the industry, but the more you know the better off you will be.
- Listening as a skill is more important than any other skill eg. listening to co-workers, management and carefully listening to feedback from users gives you more to work with.
- Schelle talks about looking beyond just the audio when listening, explaining that sometimes watching body language and the signs people give off are more important than actually listening.

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