Sunday 25 March 2012

Bibliography [ED]


Koster, R. (2005) Theory of Fun for Game Design., Paraglyph Press.

Rogers, C. (2010) Level Up!: The Guide to Great Video Game Design., John Wiley & Sons.

Finkel, I. L. (2008). "On the Rules for The Royal Game of Ur" in Finkel, ed. pp. 16-32.

Caillois, R. (2006). “The Definition of Play. The Classification of Games”. Salen. K and Zimmermann.E. The Game Design Reader: A Rules of Play Anthology. London. 122-155.

Martínez, Katynka Z. (2011). "Pac-Man meets the Minutemen: Video Games by Los Angeles Latino Youth",  National Civic Review Vol. 100 Issue 3. 50-57

Jacobson, J. Hwang, Z. (2002). "Unreal Tournament For Immersive Interactive Theater Volume 45(1)", pg 39 - 42, 3p

1 comment:

  1. One of the book contribution entries doesn't include details of the book that includes the contribution; one of the journal article entries appears incomplete: neither the title of the article nor the title of the journal in which it appears is clear. Click on the following link to see an example of a bibliography compiled in Zotero:
