Thursday 29 March 2012


The narrative of a story is part of 3 closely related elements of storytelling:

Story - All of the elements which end up being depicted
Plot - The chain of causation (the chain of events that happen within the story)
Narrative - The order in which events are revealed

Events in stories are shown either first hand (where the character actually shows you what happens) or second hand (revealed by characters who were either there or not).

The sequence is a debatable subject in games design. There are differences in narratives and interaction, the main point being:

Narrative flows under the direction of the author.
Interactivity is about providing the player with the motive power to act.
Remember Games Ordering, Do, Show, Tell.

Some games have some narrative aspirations: By drawing on the roles and goals of various well known genres, the games seek to orient us to the kind of action that we might expect.

Facade is a good example of a game that uses narrative well, the whole game is based around talking to a couple who are arguing. The game is special because it interpretes anything you say as a player which directly affects the actions of the AI.

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